Recycling ensures a better future for our children and communities.

About Us

We are dedicated to provide our customers with sustainable solutions for the management of their retired IT Assets and electronic devices.

Environmental Policy Statement

Making this earth a better place to live in and meet with more good friends to build a successful business together

News Information

Every year 20 to 50 million metric tons of e-waste are disposed worldwide. In America alone, e-waste represents 2% of trash in landfills and 70% of overall toxic waste.

Ways of Recycling
Electronic Components

To help contribute to the 3R mission, individual can participate through the following methods:

Before throwing away any used electronic devices, one can simply think about how the device can be reused or recycled. If an electronic device is ready to be recycle, E-Tech Management offers local pick up and recycling services that caters to needs of the individuals.

On a macro level, communities, schools and various sizes of organization can also participate in the 3R missions through education and demonstration on the importance of electronic recycling.

Working with Us

e-Tech Management is a company with global presence in the electronics recycling industry.


Our goals:

  • E-Tech Management is committed to the highest level of customer service and satisfaction.
  • E-Tech Management utilized the latest in recycling and processing technologies to solve our client’s electronic waste and disposal problem.
  • E-Tech Management will provide our client with 100% assurance that every piece of their equipment and devices will be properly handled in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.
  • E-Tech Management has a strict zero landfill that ensure no electronic waste will be added to the global waste loop by exporting to third world countries.
Protect our environment

Save Earth to Save Life

Join hands to save environment.